Kingkaisplanet Wiki


Gotenks is a character created by Goten and Trunks doing the Fusion Dance technique. He wears the traditional Metamoran clothing. His power level is very high, which proves that the Fusion Dance does not just add together the power of the two fusees, but multiplies and increases it dramatically beyond that. Gotenks uses the Big Tree Cannon as well as many moves that can be considered childish. Gotenks can transform into Super Saiyans 1 and 3, skipping over Super Saiyan 2, but it is hinted that he can also go Super Saiyan 2.


Gotenks in his base form was no match at all for Super Buu, at Super Saiyan he was still unable to phase Buu except for the Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack which was strong enough to rearrange Buu into a completely diffrent look, but as an almighty Super Saiyan 3 he can fight evenly and at some points even had an edge over the monster.

